Friday, March 16, 2012

Hope and being human

Well, the last few weeks have been tough and an amazing lesson to me about human nature and the true world. I have been so sheltered the last few years I had forgotten the truth about business.

I know I've grown up alot and it has nothing to do with age, but I think now that I'm not all mommy these days I realize, I don't like the real world, and
shame on all of these people behaving badly. What is wrong with this world???? Everyone has only child syndrome and tantrums in the real business world and somehow they get away with it. Disturbing.

I treat people the way I hope to be treated and can't believe not everyone thinks this way. I give from the heart and not for the write off. Any more hearts left out there???

I am a shame of how we treat each other as human beings and wonder what planet we are on. What has happen to compassion and empathy? What happen to communication and it being seem as annoying? Anyhow, maybe I truly am in the wrong country because I hate the way I've seen people behave lately. I know what I don't want my kids to turn into and hope to teach them compassion and love and empathy for others.

Lately I've had some deep thinking and feel no anger. I have had a break through. And for now on I have a voice. I have been so accommodating to everyone I've know ever, from my parents to the lady that ignored me when I said excuse me. Well, no more. And I even got married to my first husband, so I wouldn't hurt his feelings and let anyone down. I had lied to myself. And it was a truly painful lesson that I've never spoken about. I thank that rainbow bird for showing me the way. I can't believe that being kind to others and treating them as human beings would ever seem as a weakness. That being friendly would seem as being weird or a flirt if the speaking to the opposite sex. I have been call a boyfriend stealer, for being nice, for being a friend. I have often been misunderstood. And I always apologize, even when I know I am not wrong. It's the polite thing to do. But also again, putting myself aside and last.

I will give voice to those who don't speak up. Whether through my art or my actions. And hope that people will change. And I hope that my art will be some kinda of inspiration to those suffering and in pain. I am grateful for what I am experiencing cuz it has made me a better human being. So be compassionate to your neighbor and show empathy to a stranger. We're all humans.

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