Friday, March 23, 2012

The Vessel

Why the Vessel?

Definition :
a: craft for traveling on water, now usually one larger than an ordinary rowboat; a ship or boat.

b : a person into whom some quality (as grace) is infused "a child of light, a true vessel of the Lord "— H. J. Laski

Well, this piece was designed for the Japan Tsunami Relief gala in DC. It is about transformation. Which I have done. I am the craft, I have traveled spiritually within and I am back. Also I must add, my true inspiration, was another great battle we are facing here for years in my view.

Currently, I am surrounded by victims of cancer. That darn CANCER. I hate the word. I am so very blessed not to have that journey to battle. Unfortunately, many people we know are. And though they do not need your pity, they sure need your love, compassion and empathy. They need your strength, and most of all support.

So through my own battles, I created this image. It is devoted to all that suffer. I was given a gift, an inspiration, through signs that I was lucky to see. If I didn't, my amazing daughter was right there to point them out to me or again, a bird to snap me out of it. This image is what I imagine that's what it must have felt to have not home, or hope w/all this darkness but then there is a little color somewhere. This is what the piece "The Vessel" is about.

We can not feel sorry for ourselves or others, we must take action. Now. Forget the past, live in the present and look forward w/acceptance of the future, with no regrets.
Talk to one another from the heart, and return from the heart. Honestly, not expecting a gain.

I hope this little bird will inspire you to be someone's rainbow. Because as you know, what is at the end of the rainbow? Gold or better yet, new beginning. God taught us that. And if you don't believe in God, then watch Wizard of Oz, that rainbow rocks and I wanna go there. Don't you?

Faith, hope, empathy and best of all selfless love. Embrace it, and then give it away, it's totally free!

Make a difference today:

Friday, March 16, 2012

Hope and being human

Well, the last few weeks have been tough and an amazing lesson to me about human nature and the true world. I have been so sheltered the last few years I had forgotten the truth about business.

I know I've grown up alot and it has nothing to do with age, but I think now that I'm not all mommy these days I realize, I don't like the real world, and
shame on all of these people behaving badly. What is wrong with this world???? Everyone has only child syndrome and tantrums in the real business world and somehow they get away with it. Disturbing.

I treat people the way I hope to be treated and can't believe not everyone thinks this way. I give from the heart and not for the write off. Any more hearts left out there???

I am a shame of how we treat each other as human beings and wonder what planet we are on. What has happen to compassion and empathy? What happen to communication and it being seem as annoying? Anyhow, maybe I truly am in the wrong country because I hate the way I've seen people behave lately. I know what I don't want my kids to turn into and hope to teach them compassion and love and empathy for others.

Lately I've had some deep thinking and feel no anger. I have had a break through. And for now on I have a voice. I have been so accommodating to everyone I've know ever, from my parents to the lady that ignored me when I said excuse me. Well, no more. And I even got married to my first husband, so I wouldn't hurt his feelings and let anyone down. I had lied to myself. And it was a truly painful lesson that I've never spoken about. I thank that rainbow bird for showing me the way. I can't believe that being kind to others and treating them as human beings would ever seem as a weakness. That being friendly would seem as being weird or a flirt if the speaking to the opposite sex. I have been call a boyfriend stealer, for being nice, for being a friend. I have often been misunderstood. And I always apologize, even when I know I am not wrong. It's the polite thing to do. But also again, putting myself aside and last.

I will give voice to those who don't speak up. Whether through my art or my actions. And hope that people will change. And I hope that my art will be some kinda of inspiration to those suffering and in pain. I am grateful for what I am experiencing cuz it has made me a better human being. So be compassionate to your neighbor and show empathy to a stranger. We're all humans.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Rainbows and Birds=hope.

Well, I haven't been on my blog in a while. It's be a rough patch for me. But with all the bad, has come some great. I'm didn't get the snapfish account to design cards for them, that's okay, moved on to bigger things. An amazing chance to curate the show of my dreams with my idols and colleagues I respect and honor.

How? Well, after being at this Annie's awards , good friend invited us to. I was reminded of one thing I truly am passionate about. I meant the nicest guy who reminded me, what I was good at, and it's getting people together with talent, and a voice. I always said I'd open a gallery to showcase theses voices and let the public appreciated. Well, the universe has blessed me w/the ultimate show and where? In DC. How can get it any better? Well, meeting Michelle Obama and having dinner w/the family.. but maybe reaching a bit high.

Along with that comes speed bumps, I hit a few challenges that have taught me a lot about egos, divas, you name it. Its a shame. But I realize hey, I'm actually a nice girl w/humble needs. I'd be my friend. Just don't piss me off but I'm not a bad human being. I have realized how much I really have grown up. And well, thank goodness, because there are alot of selfish folks out there who can't appreciate the gifts they are given. They can't just stop loving themselves and massaging their egos. Wow, they are out there for real.

Anyhow. I am happier for it. I will stay in touch, my two feet grounded on earth and not let any of this fun project get to my head, if I get snobby, slap me down to reality. I beg you.

Best of all its my roots that keep me grounded but reaching high. It's the prejudice I've received and experienced that make me want to prove, don't tell me I can't do it. So were there is a will (and its what got me through ArtCenter) there is a way. Don't let anyone tell you any different!!! EVER. Remember that.

Learn more about the show and the great talent involved. I thank my pal Mr. S.D for giving trusting wings to fly with this amazing opportunity and feel so blessed to have you in my life, thank you.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

We Send Love to you humans

Happy Valentine's Day!

Next to Christmas and Halloween it is one of my favorite holidays. It's not all the romance and the commercial stuff, but rather a chance to
photograph my kids and make a cute card to share. Along with making treats for the them to pass around to classmates. I love decorating and especially giving. I enjoy and cherish it. Truly, I live for this day. Every year look forward to how will I top it?

Well, sadly I couldn't set up a photo shoot for the kiddos this year. Just didn't have the time or the energy to do it. But I found this cute photo I took last fall and thought well, why not? I am going to do a "do" over Valentine shoot as soon as I have the strength. So don't be surprised to see one in the middle of March or whatever. My daughter now calls people "humans" and it's funny. So we send love you humans.

May you be surrounded by fun, chocolate and lots of love. Happy Valentine's Day.

Monday, February 13, 2012

6 degrees

We're on the road to something big. I can't talk about it yet but soon to be announced. In my research and collecting of what this next project is, I realize how much we are all connected. There really are only 6 degrees of separation. And Fb is a big part of this discovery. Of course being an artist/designer we are all going to run into in someway or another but it's bigger then that.

Six degrees of separation refers to the idea that everyone is on average approximately six steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person on Earth, so that a chain of, "a friend of a friend" statements can be made, on average, to connect any two people in six steps or fewer.

I have found that all I've experience in my career,
the what I thought were "dead ends," all the little contacts I've made over the years has led me to my career taking off and my dream coming true. I was indeed setting the stage. And now the lights are about to go one and it will all come together. What the heck am I talking about huh?
More to be unraveled, but it has been an amazing 2 wks and although I've been a bit handicapped w/my recovery. It has been the best thing ever to focus by force. Which is what has lead me to this moment, this open door. Such a tease huh? Oh yes I can be.
But my heart is on fire with extreme passion and it is fantastic what will come out of it for everyone to enjoy.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Baby Steps

Well I guess recovery takes time. I don't have it. I have stuff to do, things to create, little ones to take care of, a husband to help. I think after being semi handicapped by my meds and condition Daniel is really seeing how much I do just w/Sabrina's school. Anyhow, I have been having quite an adventure just in my dreams. They are so vivid. And folks this was happening before my new meds. The sound in my dreams are mystical. I hope one day I can capture them in all their bliss.

Anyhow, the point of this section is an update and thought I'd share some of my teamwork designs. I'm still seeing rainbows and found out it means a new beginning and the bird is a symbol of awareness, trippy huh? Well for me it is.

Long before meeting Dan my work was dark, as I grew up I see its gotten more whimsical and simpler. I love what we are doing or do together.

I met Daniel at Disney while at an animal drawing workshop at the studio. I not only thought he was handsome but pretty talented. We became great buddies. Eventually we couldn't deny our attraction and fell even deeper in love. As pals, we've created some fun characters and amazing ideas. He takes my work to a fun and magical level. He is my ying to my yang.
It's amazing how well we get along. He's my best friend, my buddy. Best part it's a partnership its not a competition, Who could ask for more? And we're very much in love w/two kids that just keep inspiring us. I am always excited to see what Daniel does w/my idea or sketch.
Pure Schier (cheer) teamwork rocks!!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

What's next?

I survived my surgery. And at first felt it should be not talked about or made a big deal. It really wasn't a major thing at all but I am having a slower recovery then I am willing to accept. Unfortunately, my kids have seen me at my worst. Sadly to me, they have been passed around like yo-yo's. Although I know it was necessary, I didn't like it. I am not one to ask for help.
One day, I want them to be able to read this and understand that it is nothing they had done. But rather mommy has to heal.

This blog was suppose to be a little promotion, a validation. Now seating here really thinking about gratitude and my blessings. I began to think, well, truthfully, I was accepting my mortality. And what if, what if I don't get good news. I really do want my 2 amazing nuggets of love to know I wasn't just "mom" I had talent, I had aspirations, I was going to leave my mark. Perhaps a small one, but dang it, I am not just a Mexican girl who paid too much for an amazing art school, I should be bragging about, just to be at home washing dishes and changing diapers, and picking up littlest petshop toys that have heads too big for their little legs.

I had dreams and I will make them happen.

Today, I had a good scare. I am fine, I will see tomorrow and the next day and the end of 2012. I just over did it too soon and well, my body shut down. Soooo frustrating. I'm going to hate being old and immobile. But I need to write this rather then just think about it anymore.

After Annie Belle's death, I've seen rainbows, actually my daughter, Sabrina, finds them everywhere and so do I lately. A strange one in my living room, we don't know from what but it was gorgeous. And with this rainbow appears a little bird. A very colorful bird soon after. What's it mean? Heck, I don't know. But I am going to paint it and devote it to Annie Belle.

This here,well, is not my piece, I wish...but it is the little bird that is taunting me.. either in images or a similar one at my window. It is I found out is a roller bird. What's it doing in Santa Clarita? Well, these lilac breasted ones, are mostly in South Africa. But there is a little purple bird that comes to visit us very similar and I still need to find out what it is. Soon as I figure out the symbolism, it will be created. Perhaps this won't be painted this month but it's coming. Stay toon for more.

ARRIBA! Arriba!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Locks of Strength

In history, hair has symbolized beauty, strength, sex, class and also state of mind to name a few. For me it was my strength and power. If I spent time on it, that meant I felt good about myself and sexy. It's very important in my work. Most of my favorite designs (sometimes my hubby and I team up and created) are because of the swirls in the hair. I would just have a blast with creating a twirl or adding embellishments.

Last week I decided to chop it off. A time of chance? Yes. But this time in attitude. I am giving back. I am doing what I've had lack courage to do for fear of looking silly or losing my only true favorite feature I love about myself, my hair.
Do I regret it? Not a bit. I love it, so freeing. I want to go even shorter. My father thinks I look like a boy, well, tough, I love it. As far as I can remember I have had long hair, I think I was born with a trail of it.

Where is my hair now?
About to be mailed off to an amazing campaign, Beautiful Lenghts by Pantene. I feel so fortunate to have found it, or it found me. I didn't make the cut for locks of love, hair 9 1/2 inches instead of 10. Then soon after getting it cut, I just happen to flip to an ad about Pantene's campaign. 8 inches or more is all they need.. is that a sign or what? Serendipity. My heart was filled with incredible joy, like someone had light up my heart from the inside and I really wanted to dance, cry and hug anyone. The ladies watching my hair get chopped off were amazing at my calmness as the stylist struggles to trim off my locks. My hair just too thick to do it in one chop but rather over 5 times and practically broke her scissors. Feeling inspired? Don't be shy to look:

What's the sudden inspiration?
Well, I had a scare and turned out to be benign. The holidays were a bit of torture waiting to find out what was this thing that had now a personality growing in my head. It hurts if I'm mad. Tingles if I'm laughing. And feels like a stab when I wanna cry or get frustrated. Luckly it was just a cyst, unfortunately growing quite fast and a little painful. Someone I know who is a nurse, suggested they would cut a large portion of my hair to be able to remove it.. that started me thinking... why not cut it all.
Then my hopefully, future brother in law tragically lost his mother to battling cancer. And I felt incredible guilt. So I am doing this for her, for a little girl named Libirti, for Mrs. Tammy, my talented friend Paige, little Toki and the other people I haven't had the fortune to meet going through or have faced a terrible battle.
Life is cruel at times, but can make us better human beings. I am filled w/wanting to give more.

This is for you Annie Bell, I didn't get the honor to meet you but you have filled my heart with gratefulness. Thank You!

(and just to add or update: I know & feel Annie Bell is watching over my family. She sends me rainbows to remind me of the beauty of life and the beginning of something amazing. Thank you )

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tweet Tweets

I love birds.
These are some samples of my work for Foria. They would used them on PJ set prints and tees for junior wear. I would just love to see these on gift bags and cards.

This next one, I just think it's sweet.
Daniel (my man) and I teamed up. I had the idea and just couldn't quite make it feel the way I wanted it to, so I gave Dan my file then he did his magic and I was able to add my textures and swirls and bling then voilá. Love birds in love.
Hurray for team work.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

mas y mas for teen wear

So I promised myself with the new year, I come up w/new work and push what I had designed in the past. I had done a series of images for the teen pop clothing to sell at Magic. Some sold to who knows who, since my rep was the one w/the booth at this show and I trust. But I can't believe how many I've done. And many while Sabrina napped or played. Here are some samples.
These were before Danté was born. Somehow I managed to come up w/these simple images though I hated the fact that they had to be vector images. To me they lack a texture and soul but that's what buyer for the clothing companies wanted. I have a friend who just said on FB how much she dislike the lack of plain old tees.. well I love that now a days we continue to have business from consumers to whom the busier the shirt, the cooler the design is for the buyer. As a designer it has forced me to get creative w/textures, combining symbols and push limited color look cool and grungy.
Honestly, it's these buyers/consumers, that allowed me to get my daughter gymboree classes and mommy & me. In fact, the last design in this page somehow ended up being bought in Africa and Argentina, for whom, I don't know, it was sold through an agency, but its cool that it maybe on a mug somewhere, or a tee shirt or a magazine. One day Danté will have his classes paid by this single image or if it does really well and the royalties work out, college (for a semester). Who knows.
And its time to create more...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Most Recent

So this is the most recent project. Actually I have one other very exciting in the works, I can not talk or show..but lets just say it's going to be Wonderful.

Anyhow, speaking of Wonderful, here's a must have. Alice in Wonderland. Check it out:

Fashion and Shirt Designs

Here are some samples of my work for Babystyle, Chiara Kruza and Skinnie Minnie
There is a picture (in blue) of Jennifer Gardner wearing one of my shirts when she was pregnant. Very cool!!! I've seen and heard of my designs selling at Costco, Macy's, Babystyle, Norstrom's, Kohls,and other such stores.

Design work for LADM

Never thought I'd be regard as a graphic designer, that wasn't my intention, but one day I was asked to do some work for LADM dance company, I thought why not. And it was the beginning of some of my best work. I really enjoyed it and love learning so much about dance. Every year for about 5 yrs I design a full magazine for them along w/all the marketing and banners they needed. Using Michael Higgins photos, getting something help from my talented sista and a little or a lot of photoshop we would make some magic and push the brochures every year to be amazing! Thank you for the opportunity and the challenge.

Friday, January 13, 2012


I just love it. Its my new passion and I love it. Wait, I said that already. I'm learning alot. I thank my friend Stephen for giving me the courage to do it and also in ways being a mentor. Everything I've learn and done for my clients I've been designing for I can add into my own images.
Check out Stephen's work it's amazing and gorgeous. I especially love images of people.
But I also have to add in this that I'm in total awe of my other pal, Jen Parker, who has an amazing eye and style. Her sense of lighting is romantic and beautiful. May I also add she's also a terrific mama.

Samples of my spiceybrain designs

This year I am finally focusing on getting more work out there. Old and new. I miss designing big time. Motherhood is fantastic and challenging but my inner soul needs to create. So far so good. The beginning of a new approach is now. Less making work for others and more for me. Sometimes my honey and love of my life, partner up and have fun w/our designs. As you can see w/the bunny image above. More Schier team work to come.